Facing systems with removable railing: Front storage system for 6m long products.
Two facing lockers. The lockers are inserted into adjacent warehouses to save space and facilitate material handling. With a front railing that is easily removable.
– Number of references: 120 medium references + 45 large references + 87 complete packages in the upper warehouse.
- System dimensions: 24.6m length x 7.3m width x 3.75m height.
- Load capacity per location: 3000 KG / location
- Total storage capacity: 495 tons + 232 tons = 727 tons in 180 m²
- Number of references: 35 large references + 184 small references + 90 complete packages
- System dimensions: 23.9m length x 7.3m width x 3.75m height
- Load capacity per location: 3000 KG / location
- Total storage capacity: 657 tons + 270 tons = 927 tons in 175 m²